AHEC Professional Development Pop-up


This AHEC Professional Development Pop-up allows participants to ask questions of a panel of health professionals currently working in a wide array of fields. Find out how to start your journey to a health or medical career or learn about the intricacies of the profession. These experienced health professionals are excited to answer your questions! https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83472959997?pwd=Q1VxcXdGVExnakZyamMzOUEzbTdEdz09 Meeting ID: 834 7295 9997 Passcode: 622592 Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kdH5PXOWcI

HRSA Virtual Job Fair – November 16th – Rural Health Care Facilities Only


The next HRSA Virtual Job Fair will be held on Wednesday, November 16 from 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. ET and will feature 30 health care facilities with vacancies in rural areas. This free online recruitment event allows career-seeking health care professionals to connect with hiring officials to learn more about job opportunities, hear details about benefit packages, and find out how to help underserved communities. A free Zoom account is required to register for this event

VTDigger’s Underground Workshop


Important Dates for 2022: November 17th: Initial workshop for the Act 77 project - Introductions and Ideas December 15th: Reporting Workshop (sharing first experiences & challenges, pitching stories) After these first workshops, the Underground Workshop will meet every second Thursday and organize workshops according to student needs. At any point during your reporting and writing process you can join our meetings for support. These meetings are a great place to get feedback and help on your piece.  We hope to start publishing articles early in 2023 & will run the series through the school year. Register here! Please reach out to us at undergroundworkshop@vtdigger.org with any questions. We hope to see you on November 17th!


Do you need help filing your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)? We have counselors available to assist you. We are also offering “In-Person FAFSA Help” appointments on a few additional select days - you will see all available openings on the registration site. Sign up for a one-on-one meeting.

VTeen 4-H Science Pathways Café – Insulin Resistance: a Global Health Problem with a Backyard Solution?

University of Vermont, Davis Center

Saturday, December 10, 2022, 5:00-7:00 pm The University of Vermont, Davis Center, Mansfield Dining Room FREE pizza and drinks; Open to all youth in grades 7-12 Register@ www.uvm.edu/extension/youth/announcements Insulin resistance is a disorder that arises when tissues and organs stop responding to the insulin that is normally synthesized and secreted by your pancreas. As a result, these tissues and organs stop removing glucose from your blood, causing high blood sugar and a weakening of your body as a whole. Insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, and also has a relationship with leukemia and pancreatic cancer. With such a terrible condition that we face, is it possible that the solution lies in some of Vermont’s agricultural products? Come to this café and learn about current research and engage in some hands-on activities to see if we can discover some new therapeutics together! ABOUT OUR SPEAKER Chris Dieni is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. He is originally from Montreal, and has taught and researched biochemistry in the Canadian provinces of Quebec, Ontario, and New Brunswick – and the US states of Pennsylvania, Colorado, Alabama, and now Vermont. His expertise is […]