The VTHealthCareers website features educational resources for students and educators to guide an exploration of personal interests, aptitudes, and preferences related to college and career. For educators, a series of five lesson plans include hands-on activities and...
Meet professionals in primary care, physical therapy, emergency medicine and pharmacy!
Wednesday, November 16, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM >Click here for more info< November’s Professional Development Pop-Up is an evening of conversation, questions, and answers with four health professionals working in Vermont. The AHEC team will be joined by a...
Welcome to Vermont Health Careers!
Welcome, or welcome back, to Vermont Health Careers. In honor of October being Health Careers Awareness Month, Vermont AHEC has given our health career exploration website a makeover. The website is intended for students interested in health and...
Share what you love with young people who want to learn from you.
VSAC’s Kingdom Career Connect at Northern Vermont University – Lyndon Reflection I spent this morning at Kingdom Career Connect on Northern Vermont University’s Lyndon campus. It felt good to be back in person after three years of virtual engagement in this...
VSAC’s Kingdom Career Connect at Northern Vermont University – Lyndon
VSAC’s Kingdom Career Connect at Northern Vermont University– Lyndon Summary On October 4, 2022, Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) put on Kingdom Career Connect, a multi-school event offering 7th and 8th grade students a chance to think about the...

Featured Career
Nurses Make a Difference
If you’re looking for a health care career that offers unlimited opportunities, a nursing career awaits you. Nursing is one of the hottest careers for the coming decades. As the population ages and the demand for health care increases, the need for nurses will continue to grow.
Examples of Health Care-Related Programs of Study
Learn about health care career programs in and near Vermont.
The opportunities listed below give middle school, high school and college-level students a hands-on experience as a health care professional.
Nursing Loan Repayment Program
The Nursing Educational Loan Repayment Program is funded by the State of Vermont, through the Department of Health for nurses (RN or LPN) working in Vermont. It is administered by the University of Vermont, College of Medicine, Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program.

Financing Your Education
How do I pay for it?
Funding for education and training programs can come in the form of:
-Grants (based on financial need, do not need to be repaid)
-Scholarships (based on need, achievement or other factors, do not need to be repaid)
-Loans (which must be repaid)
-Work-study jobs (a student earns wages in part-time work while in school)