Medical Assistant

Job Outlook in Vermont
High Demand 

What you might do
Medical Assistants help health care providers care for patients.  They take patients’ vital signs and medical histories, manage supplies, and may take blood or give medication.  They also help with administrative tasks.

Where you might work
Doctor’s office, hospital.

Related Links
My Next Move: Medical Assistants
O*Net Online: Medical Assistants
Occupational Outlook Handbook: Medical Assistants
American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA)

Education Required
Some Medical Assistants hold a non-degree certificate.  Others receive on-the-job training.


Where to Study

Center for Technology, Essex

Central Vermont Career Center

Community College of Vermont

Bristol Community College

Bunker Hill Community College

Cape Cod Community College

Greenfield Community College

Massachusetts Bay Community College

Massasoit Community College

Middlesex Community College

Mount Wachusett Community College

North Shore Community College

Northern Essex Community College

Quinsigamond Community College

Springfield Technical Community College

Manchester Community College

River Valley Community College

White Mountains Community College

For more information, contact your regional AHEC:

Northern Vermont AHEC

Southern Vermont AHEC