Job Outlook in Vermont
Slow GrowthÂ
What you might do
Pharmacists dispense medication prescribed to patients. They check prescriptions for accuracy, advise patients about side effects and how to take the medication, and keep records. They may also work in research.
Where you might work
Pharmacy, drug store, hospital, health center.
Related Links
My Next Move: Pharmacists
O*Net Online: Pharmacists
Occupational Outlook Handbook: Pharmacists
Vermont Pharmacists Association
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Education Required
Pharmacists hold a doctoral degree (4 years after a 4-year bachelor’s degree).
Where to Study

Norwich University
Saint Michael's College
University of Vermont
Vermont State University - Castleton, Johnson
Vermont State University - Castleton, Johnson, Lyndon
Sacred Heart University
University of Connecticut
University of Hartford
University of Saint Joseph
Husson University
Saint Joseph's College of Maine
University of New England
Fitchburg State University
Framingham State University
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Mount Wachusett Community College
Northeastern University
Quinsigamond Community College
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
D'Youville University
University of Rhode Island
D'Youville University (NY)
For more information, contact your regional AHEC:
Northern Vermont AHEC
Southern Vermont AHEC