Health Care Social Worker
Job Outlook in Vermont
High Demand
What you might do
Health Care Social Workers help patients respond to and manage serious illness. They counsel and support patients and their families and help connect them with other services.
Where you might work
Office, hospital, patient’s home.
Related Links
My Next Move: Healthcare Social Workers
O*Net Online: Healthcare Social Workers
Occupational Outlook Handbook: Social Workers
National Association of Social Workers Vermont Chapter
National Association of Social Workers
Education Required
Most Health Care Social Workers hold a master’s degree (2 years after a 4-year bachelor’s degree).
Where to Study

Champlain College
Community College of Vermont
University of Vermont
Vermont State University - Castleton
Vermont State University - Castleton, Johnson, Online
Eastern Connecticut State University
Quinnipiac University
Sacred Heart University
Southern Connecticut State University
University of Connecticut
University of Saint Joseph
Western Connecticut State University
Saint Joseph's College of Maine
University of Maine
University of Maine at Presque Isle
University of New England
University of Southern Maine
Anna Maria College
Berkshire Community College
Boston College
Boston University
Bridgewater State University
Merrimack College
Regis College
Salem State University
Simmons University
Springfield College
Plymouth State University
University of New Hampshire
Rhode Island College
Boston University (MA)
Quinnipiac University (CT)
Regis College (MA)
Simmons University (MA)
Springfield College (MA)
Syracuse University (NY)
University at Albany (NY)
University of New England (ME)
Vermont State University
For more information, contact your regional AHEC:
Northern Vermont AHEC
Southern Vermont AHEC